Thursday, November 8, 2007


I love the quote that was mentioned in last Sunday’s message, taken from the journal of missionary Jim Elliot. He wrote it as he prepared himself to go to the Aucas (translated “Savages”) in the jungles of Ecuador to share the life-changing message of Jesus Christ to a tribe of people who had never heard about God’s love. He writes, He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.” Little did Jim know that he and his team would be killed by Auca warriors just as they arrived. This makes his statement that much more profound!

You see, Jim Elliot truly understood that “we are not our own.” (1 Cor. 6:19) You are God’s! Therefore, if this is true, then “Everything else that you are in possession of: your finances, house, car, your family, everything you’ve ever invested in IS NOT YOURS EITHER! Everything we are in possession of is God’s; He is the owner, we are the Stewards. All of the possessions that He’s given to us to be stewards over are to be used for eternal investments. Think about that!

Jim Elliot knew and understood this truth which gave him the faith and courage to take a risk with his earthly life to have an impact on other’s eternal lives. The way Jim saw it, he had absolutely nothing of eternal value to lose, but everything to gain! Once you understand and begin to live out this principle of God’s ownership, you are well on your way to living the blessed life. The first step, surrender your control and submit to God’s! After that, God will take the wheel!

For the outcome of this wonderful story, go to this website to check out information on the movie that was made about this story.

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